Master Paid Traffic With The EmberTribe Blog

How to Build Profitable Audiences for Your Shopify Store in Seconds

Written by Chris Grippo | May 27, 2021 7:50:16 PM



Hey guys, I've been using this really cool tool called SyncTap that we released that I wanted to share with you. I'm sure you've heard all of the issues happening with iOS 14 and all of the tracking and ability that we are losing with the pixel.

So we're seeing smaller retargeting audiences. And in turn, we're seeing smaller lookalike audiences because of the opt-out rates. What we're seeing is the less people we have in our retargeting pools or the less people we can say went to our website and viewed a product in the last 30 days, the worse our lookalike audiences are going to be and the smaller our retargeting campaigns will be, but there is a way around this. 

You can take actual customer data and still send that to Facebook.

We can still take an email, a first name, last name, location, export that list, and then upload it into Facebook, create our custom audience and go ahead and retarget those people or create our lookalike audiences off of that.

So it's super cool about SyncTap is it automates that process. So without SyncTap, you could go ahead and go into customers export this list and here go into orders, figure out which orders you want to export, and then go ahead and export that and then upload that into Facebook audiences.

However, the problem with that is it's not dynamic. So if you want it to export your customers within the last 90 days, and then you want to do it next month, you have to then do it next month and continually do that over and over again.

What we can do with SyncTap, which is really cool, is we can actually take either one of these templates that they have here. All customers, order count, repeat purchasers, total spent, lifetime value, deal hunters, anybody who purchased a product with a discount, or we can go ahead and create our own and find the criteria that we want to segment our customers out.