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Our Expert System For Testing & Refining Facebook Ad Campaigns [Video]

Written by Josh Sturgeon | Apr 4, 2017 4:00:38 AM


If you've run an ad campaign you know the hard part isn't launching - it's running them profitably over time.

But it's hard to know where to start and what to focus on first. Ever feel that paralysis of analysis? We want to kill that.

In today's video, we'll walk you through a simple system that we use to test and optimize our campaigns over the long-term.



One of the most important things you should learn to master is how to optimize your campaigns over the long-run, how to make them better day by day, and when we look at the data, when we look at what Facebook is telling us, or what AdWords is telling us, it can be overwhelming.

There's that paralysis of analysis, where you don't really test or try anything. So I want to share with you a very simple framework that we use to really ask better questions and to come up with more meaningful tests, so that we can improve our campaigns.

The framework that we're gonna walk you through is specifically tailored here for Facebook, but it's really something that you could use across nearly any type of marketing or advertising channel.

So first things first, let's think about kind of the three different things that we're gonna go after here.

The Goal

First is deciding what your goal is. So what are you optimizing towards? What's the outcome that you want to have?


Second we want to understand what are the key performance indicators? What are the things that are gonna measure your progress towards that goal?

The Experiment

Third, what are the exact experiments or tests that you're going to run to try to reach that goal? And of course the key performance indicators are the things that you're gonna measure. Those are the ways you're gonna measure the experiments or the tests.



Take the goal first of ad engagement. Anytime you run a campaign, the first thing that we're looking for is are we getting attention? Are we getting engagement from people when they're seeing this ad?

So the way that you'd measure that are things like click through rate, comments, relevance scores if you're on Facebook. How are people interacting with your ad? Are they clicking through? Are they tagging and sharing the ad with friends? Is the message that you're putting in there getting to the right people and is it really resonating? Is it causing people to take an action?